The Pool is Open!

The pool is open for the summer season. ENJOY!

Swimming in the pool is permitted between the hours of 7:00 am to 10:00 p.m. Persons using this facility do so at their own risk. Each Unit Owner/tenant is responsible for the proper conduct of their family members and guests, which includes, but is not limited to abiding by the following rules:

1. Absolutely no horseplay or unruly behavior.

2. No Littering.

3. No glass is permitted in the pool area or club house.

4. Pets are forbidden in the pool area and club house.

5. Children in diapers are not permitted in the pool.

6. Children under the age of 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

7. Running, jumping, diving and ball throwing are not permitted in the pool or pool area.

8. The volume on all radios must be kept to a minimum.

9. Guests must be accompanied by resident.

10. Smoking, Vaping, or E-Cigarettes are not allowed in the pool or pool area.

11. No resident, guest, or Owner is allowed to use the pool if the Unit is in arrears in payment    

       of Association fees.

12. Unit Owner’s immediate family (parents, children, grandchildren staying or visiting with  

       Unit Owner) may use the pool and other amenities without the Unit Owner being present

       as long as they are 18 years of age or older. Unit Owners shall apply at the Greeter Station

       for a pass that designates permission for the individuals to use amenities and specified

       timeframe. Pass and key fob must be in the users’ possession when using the facilities.


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The CAR WASH is open